Katekyo Hitman Reborn! 361 – Gift

Anyone who follows the series will probably have a rough idea how the above person did in the polls

This week, we’re getting the results of two different polls that took place for the series. One is the ‘Favorite’ Poll, where people voted for their favourite character. The other is the ‘Strongest’ Poll, where people voted for who they thought were the strongest characters. Some characters have very predictable rankings, while some others have managed to sneak their way in for a surprise. Also, we get two fancy colour-pages.

In plot-related news, after many weeks of cliffhanging and suspense, we -finally- get to find out who Fon’s representative is. As many people have guessed(Including me), in the final page of last week’s chapter, it was revealed to be none other than Hibari Kyouya. This week will expand more on the Hibari/Fon combination.

——- Poll Results ——-

—‘Favorite’ Poll —

  • 1st : Hibari Kyouya (Really, this isn’t surprising anymore)
  • 2nd: Sawada Tsunayoshi
  • 3rd: Rokudo Mukuro
  • 4th: Fran
  • 5th: Gokudera Hayato
  • 6th: Superbi Squalo
  • 7th: Yamamoto Takeshi

—‘Strongest’ Poll—

  • 1st: Sawada Tsunayoshi
  • 2nd: Hibari Kyouya
  • 3rd: Reborn
  • 4th: Xanxus
  • 5th: Rokudo Mukuro
  • 6th: Vongola Primo
  • 7th: Byakuran

Poll Comments:

The top three contestants of both categories were pretty much a given. On the other hand, I’m surprised that Fran made his way to 4th place (Granted, his present self is absolutely hilarious) in the ‘Favorites’ Poll. As for the ‘Strongest’ Poll, I was expecting Enma to fair a little better (He got 12th) given his ability to mass produce mini-black holes. Then again, with everyone else in the series powering up these last few chapters, perhaps this was expected. I didn’t actually vote, but my vote would have pretty much been Hibari for ‘Favorites’ and ‘Reborn’ (At least, his original self) for ‘Strongest’.

Plot Comments:

The chapter starts off with continuing the scene from last week’s final page. Upon noticing Fon sitting on top of Hibari’s head, Ryohei/Yamamoto/Gokudera are all confused as to what is going on. Fon clarifies the situation for them, explaining that Hibari has agreed to become Fon’s representative. After Fon confirmed that the Vongola Guardians are acting as Reborn’s representatives, Hibari activates his Cloud Gear and begins attacking the three. The three manage to narrowly avoid Hibari’s attacks, and they seem outraged at Hibari’s ‘Betrayal’ of them.

I know this is Hibari we're talking about... But even I have doubts about this

Hibari reminds them that he doesn’t like to crowd around in groups, and Gokudera calls Hibari out on that, since Hibari will technically be ‘crowding’ with the other representatives on Fon’s Team. Hibari then corrects Gokudera, revealing that he is the only representative that Fon has. (I know Hibari is the strongest Guardian, but with everyone having big teams and power-ups, I wonder how he’ll pull through)

Ryohei, having heard enough of this, decides to take matters into his own hands (Literally, by the way) . He activates his Vongola Gear, and prepares to face off against Hibari. Gokudera at first objects to this, as Tsuna would never want a serious fight between the Guardians. However, Hibari doesn’t consider this a ‘fight’, and rather, thinks of it as a game. Ryohei then charges at Hibari, intending to have Hibari take this ‘game’ seriously.

Ryohei manages to get behind Hibari almost instantly, and delivers a powerful strike in Hibari’s direction. Hibari easily avoided Ryohei’s strike, and simply spinned his tonfa around a single time to strike and break Ryohei’s watch. Yes, Ryohei was taken out in one turn/hit. Ryohei, being Ryohei, forgot that he had to defend his watch, and is eliminated from the tournament as a result of Hibari easily breaking it.

The Varia about to test out their new power

Back with Enma versus the Varia, against all conceivable odds (Granted, the experiences from the future probably improved/powered up the Varia, and Enma’s Ring may not be as strong as it was before), the Varia beat the ever-loving tar out of him. Enma ends up tied up by Belphegor’s Knife-Wires, and is unable to properly control his Earth Flames as a result of his hands being restrained. The Varia begin to move in for the kill, preparing to test out their new rings on Enma.

Skull, in the meantime, is at a complete loss of what to do as Enma gets closer and closer to being killed. At that moment, conviniently(Although it was kind of foreshadowed), he remembers the words of Yonomichi (The guy who went around explaining the rules and handing out watches). It turns out that if an extremely bleak situation ever occured to an Arcobaleno’s representative, by saying ‘Present Please’, they would be able to get some form of aid. Skull, fitting the criteria perfectly, does just that and exclaims ‘Present Please!” twice. At first, nothing seems to happen…

…But then Skull’s Pacifier began glowing, and he slowly started growing taller. His voice became deeper, and his figure became more and more adult like… The watch then announced that Skull’s Arcobaleno Curse had been removed, and that he had been approved to enter the battle.

Skull, the First Arcobaleno to remove his Curse


Frankly, this Arc just gets better and better. Judging by the timings shown on the watch, I am guessing that Skull has a minute or so to remain in his adult form. And even though Skull is usually the abuse-target of the Arcobaleno, the fact remains that he is still an Arcobaleno. I am expecting him to do some serious damage to the Varia next chapter, and perhaps even Adelheid would agree to let the rest of the Shimon enter the tournament after seeing Skull defending Enma. That, or perhaps Skull runs out of time *just before* he can finish the job, and Adelheid would step in as a result.

On the note of Hibari and Fon, I am seriously suspecting more than what was let on. In the Volume 31 HH Interview, it was heavily implied (If not, completely confirmed) by Fon himself that he is related to Hibari. This may or may not be expanded upon, although I am fully expecting it to be eventually. For the HH Interview, go Google it. Other than that, seeing as Kawahira was on Chapter 350’s colour page (Which presumably depicted all the characters for the current arc), I do see a high chance of Kawahira *eventually* joining Fon.

I’m also expecting Ryohei to get his watch replaced, as several Teams have unused watches and it *might* allow for a participant to re-enter the scene. On another note, I’m halfway predicting Chrome to eventually join Tsuna as well, since she would probably want to find out the reasons behind Mukuro’s actions.

Overall, good chapter.

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